To edit the backdrop, you need to click on the setting icon in the top right of the screen. Then you can click on either the cavas "colour button" or the "browse images" button. The colour button will open up a colour picker which will let you select a colour to set as a backdrop. The browse button will open up a file explorer and will let you upload your own pictures onto the backdrop
Firstly, you need to click on the settings icon in the top right of the screen. To save a graph, simply press the save button the application will open up a file explorer. Then just select a name for the file and save it to your desired directory, this will save the current graph loaded to that txt document.
To load a graph, press the button and it will bring up a file explorer where you can select a txt document to load that graph back to the canvas
To select a shortest path algorith, click on the settings button and select either the "djykstra" button or the "A*" button. To find out more information about these algorithms watch this video!
Once you've selected your algorithm, press the run button in the top left of the screen and the graph currently in your canvas will display the shortest path. However, this only works if there is a start/destination node on the canvas, otherwise an error message will show. Additionally, the starting node needs to be connected to the end node in some way.
When you do this, the shortest path will be highlighted in red and the application will showcase stats in the bottom right of the canvas.